Sunday, Aug. 29, 2004 at 4:02 pm
People's problems
Listening to:
I feel:

My mom just called and said she was going to pick me up two hours early. She'll be here any minute. I said that I wasn't going to leave until six, and that if she comes early, she can just sit there and wait until I come out of the house, which will be six, like we agreed on Friday. And she hung up on me. She's such a bitch about things like that. I swear, I'm more mature than she is.

On a better note, she asked me to install a program on the computer for her, and it was "sober chat" or something like that. At least she's trying. I guess she's getting a little better about it.

Scott had started taking pills and stuff. Jeremy told me he gets all of it from his brother, who apparently, is a big junkie. I was really worried about Scott when I found out. (We may not know eachother very well or anything, but I still don't want him to do anything he will regret later.) A few days ago he said he was going to quit doing all that stuff he was doing, which made me feel so much better.

I guess Drew is having a slightly hard time too. Drew is opposed to drinking, and now that his friends are in college, that's all they really want to do anymore. He said all the like to do is drink and smoke and that they've really changed. (Oh yeah, he is opposed to smoking too, as am I.) So he doesn't want to go with them to all of the parties they attend on a regular basis.

I know Jake has changed a lot. Now he has smokes, drinks a lot, and has sex with this slutty girl he met when she asked him to buy her cigarettes. I don't know, but I think Jake's just smoking to make people think he's cool, especially that slutty girl he's with a lot now. I hate it when people smoke. That slutty girl's little sister goes everywhere with her. People told me that all she wants to do is smoke weed, and that she's only thirteen or fourteen.

Christ, the people I know need to get a hobby or something. It seems like the only things they want to do is stuff that will eventually get them in deep shit.
rewind--fast forward� [comments]

The Break Up... - Friday, Apr. 15, 2005
I reach but I feel only air at night. Not you, not love, just nothing. - Saturday, Mar. 26, 2005
Fraiser :( - Sunday, Mar. 06, 2005
End of the Trimester - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
Three's Company - Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005

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