Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005 at 7:45 p.m.
Poor Megan
Listening to: Entertainment Tonight
I feel: sick

You want to know something crazy? Yesterday, Megan was waiting for her dad to pick her up after school, but he never showed up. So she called his cell phone and all he said was "Megan, we need to talk." Then he told her that her grandpa was dead and that it was her grandma that killed him. Her grandma's story is: it looked like Megan's grandpa was going to throw a rock through the window from outside, so she shot him. Now, that story does not make sense to me. Megan said it didn't make sense to her either, but her grandma hasn't called anybody in her family to tell anyone about it.

I feel so bad for Megan. Her grandpa was just killed by her grandma, and now her grandma is in jail. Today when she told me about it, I asked her if she was okay, she said no, so I gave her a hug. Then in my next class, I made her a little card. It looked like crap, but hey, I tried. I know that's not really going to make her feel any better, but I just wanted to make her feel like people were thinking of her.

Compared to that, my problems are very minuscule and sophomoric. What's bothering me right now is that I can't see Nick for a few weeks, because he's busy with the band. They got their demo professionally made. It looks like a CD you could pick up in Karma or Sam Goody.

I just feel like he doesn't care about me like he used to. He used to do sweet things for me, but now he doesn't even call when he says he will. There's just a bunch of crap going on with Nick right now. I hate that I can never see him, but whenever I do see him, he makes me happier than anybody else has ever made me, because we cuddle and stuff like that. (Cuddling is so cute.)

His birthday is this Friday. I have to pick out a present for him. I have no idea what to get him. He's hard to shop for.

I accidently found Laura's diary. I'm not going to post it on here, because if people read this, they'll have the link to hers, and that just wouldn't be fair to Laura. So I just left her a message on there saying that I found it and that I was sorry and that I wouldn't read it again. I really felt really bad. I have people I know who read my diaries without permission online, and I don't like it.
rewind--fast forward� [comments]

The Break Up... - Friday, Apr. 15, 2005
I reach but I feel only air at night. Not you, not love, just nothing. - Saturday, Mar. 26, 2005
Fraiser :( - Sunday, Mar. 06, 2005
End of the Trimester - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
Three's Company - Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005

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