Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at 10:17 p.m.
Why do people always have to go and ruin things?
Listening to: a stupid song on TV
I feel: frustrated with people in general

You know, I almost forgot why I stopped hanging out with girls in the first place, but I think I just got a shitty reminder of those reasons today.

Girls like to start shit, take Dora for instance. She had a sex dream about me, and she told Nick. Nick got pretty pissed off about it, for reasons I do not remember. So then after she learned Nick was pissed off about it, she went to Ian (Nick's best friend, her boyfriend) and told him that Nick was nagging her about it all day, even though he didn't even know about it until the car ride home from school. She also was telling him to basically give him shit about it. So Ian does, the night before a show, when they should have been practicing. The band almost split up because everyone was just so pissed off today.

Anyways, what really pissed me off was that she told Ian that she thought when I was joking around with her, that I was actually serious and hitting on her. Now, I'm not the one who had a sex dream about the other one. So who the fuck is she to go around and say that I actually "like [her] in that way"? Anyways, being called a lesbian doesn't really bother me. I do have my gay tendancies, but they are in no way directed towards Dora. I basically just think her going around and saying that to people makes her egotistical. I also think she may just be looking for attention from Ian, who loves lesbian love, because if she really thought I was actually hitting on her, she probably would have confronted me by now instead of just telling Ian about it. And if she did actually believe that, I think the mature thing to do would have been to confront me, not spread rumors about me.

I'm totally going to confront Dora about this, but it will probably just be something like, "Did you tell Ian you thought I was actually hitting on you? Because if you did, I just don't think of you that way, so don't worry about it. I was just kidding." I don't want to start anything between us. I neither want nor need anyone else being angry with me right now. Not because I'm afraid, but just because I don't want to deal with it anymore. When people are mad, they tend to argue with the person they are mad at. I believe arguing is pointless and a complete waste of time, and I'm just not up for it today. I'm tired and I have been frustrated all week. I just don't want to deal with anything that wastes as much energy as useless bickering.

Plus, Nick's show tomorrow is at a kegger. My mom probably wouldn't let me go, so I'm just going to spend the night with Dora and not tell mom about Nick's show. She'd just worry without reason, it's not like I'd actually drink or anything. I'm not as stupid as she believes me to be. If I don't stay with Dora, I can't go. I wouldn't be allowed to stay with a guy, and Dora's the only girl I actually talk to that's going. She already asked me if I wanted to anyways.

It's just that Nick warned me that Dora likes to make stuff up and cause fights between people, but I didn't believe it. I'm starting to now. If that's the case, I just won't be around her very often. Who wants to be around someone who likes to make other people feel miserable?
rewind--fast forward� [comments]

The Break Up... - Friday, Apr. 15, 2005
I reach but I feel only air at night. Not you, not love, just nothing. - Saturday, Mar. 26, 2005
Fraiser :( - Sunday, Mar. 06, 2005
End of the Trimester - Friday, Feb. 25, 2005
Three's Company - Sunday, Feb. 06, 2005

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